The Diocese established and maintained a finance and administration services with the primary responsibility of providing financial, accounting, management and general administrative support to the other programs of the Diocese. The composition of the program changed over time, in general the program comprise of the Office of the Diocesan Manager, Resource and Recruitment, Finance and Accounts and General Administration.

The analysis of this main program found that essentially two different offices providing finance and administrative services to other entities of the Diocese. One of the two offices is Resource and Recruitment Coordination whose responsibilities cover sourcing of finance, recruitment of personnel, payment of accounts and caters for overseas related activities. The other is Finance and Administration including the Office of the Diocesan Manager and charged with the responsibilities for payment of accounts, recruitment and placement of personnel, purchase and freight materialss and supplies for parishes and undertake all other general administrative duties.

It was found during the analysis that there exist much duplication and confusion in the responsibilities of the two offices, hence created inefficient finance and administrative services to other diocesan entities. Two accounts were produced and way out of date. There were no financial statements produced and the accounts were never been audited. It was argued that as a church organization, there was no need for the audit of accounts. It was to be proven later that the need for the audit of accounts was pronounced.

The program was reviewed between 2003 and 2004 and it was strongly recommended that the two offices be amalgamated and functions be clarified. This recommendation was effectively implemented in 2005 involving merging of the two accounts which was to result in the production of annual financial statements and to be used for the preparation of an audit report.

Despite this separation, both offices provided the needed services in their respective areas of responsibilities to the other entities of the Diocese over the years. The move now is to make the amalgamated office more efficient and effective. In order to tackle this, the analysis identified some issues as the basis for the improvement including:

  • Unclear roles and responsibilities of the personnel in the two offices.
  • There is absence of budgeting.
  • All diocesan entities face critical problems of lack of finance and other resources.
  • Most programs do not have work programs or activity plans
  • Diocese has a big wage bill and it cannot sustain it
  • Need for a proper accounting system
  • Need for maximum involvement of management personnel in decision making.