Volume: 1 Issue: 2


Again Lek Mak voices its greetings to all fellow seminarians and those who have access to this particular issue.

First and foremost the Lek Mak mission wishes to apologise for not quickly producing this issue due to inevitable circumstances.

In this issue, we are grateful to have news from the pastoral seminarians and those from Kap. Unfortunately there aren't any news from Good Shepherd in this issue. Maybe they are very busy with their kaukau mounts.

Lek Mak has some people to thank for their advice and support towards the first publication. Hence, big thank your to Fr. Felani (SM) and Fr. Augustine Kulmana for their time and graphic skills in the first issue.

To our Bishop, Austin Crapp, thank you very much for your critical and constructive comments on Lek-Mak which enabled us to see where it will eventually lead us to.

To our brothers Dominic Yimiten and Blaze.M.Komboni, thanks alot for your encouraging words.

To Fr. Martin We-en and Fr. Joe Amanos, thank you for the support and your encouraging words.

Lek Mak wishes to let you all know that very soon after this issue, there will be a third issue, which will be the last circulation for this year. That is to say, we are producing three issues annually as it was planned and if circumstances allow.

This issue is differently formatted compared to the first one due to the fact that we do not have word publisher installed in our computers.

After many hours sitting in front of the screen, we finally came up with this format which is similar to the Net-CTI newsletter.

to all those who sent in their articles, thanks alot for your contribution towards the publication of this issue.

Finally but no the least, best wishes to you all for the remaining months of our academic year. Let us keep our heads bent to follow His Lek Mak.

May the good Lord bless and keep us all for now and ever.....Amen

Cheers everyone!
Seminarians Bomana

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