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Queen honours Bishop

Bishop of Aitape Diocese delighted to receive Queen's Award.

Bishop Austen Robin Crapp ofm, of the Diocese of Aitape in Sandaun Province was awarded a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by the Queen in recognition for services provided to the people of the diocese especially during the 1998 Tsunami Disaster.

Bishop Austen has been Bishop of the Diocese for seven years since his appointment in 1999 after ArchBishop Brian Barnes.

He said that the church in Aitape was planning its future with a shared leadership model to prepare it for the coming years and indications were that the country and province too were planning the same, and he hoped that the plans would come to bear fruit in the long term for the betterment of all.

"I am delighted to be given this award by the Queen," said Bishop Austen.

He also mentioned that there were many pressing issues that the church has been trying to address, and the Diocese of Aitape is one who is trying its best to motivate its people to work towards achieving that aim.

"Although the diocese is doing a lot for the people, we still cannot provide everything, such as proper roads for the people to have access to good markets," commented Bishop Austen.

He said too that the church is at present getting actively involved in the intervention of HIV/AIDS (an initiative of his own), a disease which has become an epidemic affecting everybody, whether Christian or not.

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